Saturday, July 10, 2010

Unemployment Wins This Round

Things have finally come full circle. I have been unemployed for almost two years now. I find it hard to believe that none of the employers I applied for positions with found me worthy of so much as an interview. Needless to say they don't bother to let you know that you are not getting the job. What ever happened to common courtesy? I know I am not the only one in this position. It is estimated that for every position open there are at least five unemployed people to fill it. That estimate is based on country wide figures. Some states are worse and some better. Unfortunately for me, I live in Nevada, one of the hardest hit states.

I was forced to move in with my daughter's family 13 months ago. I'm fortunate that they have been taken care of me financially, mentally, and every other way for so long. I can't ask them or expect them to continue to do so while I wait for the seemingly impossible job to transpire. I am now heading to the great state of Wyoming to see if I can find work there.

Why not go to work in the Gulf states and help with the spill?  Well, I've already thought of that. Apparently the states in that area have laws that stipulate their unemployed must be hired first, so . . . I am waiting.  Florida doesn't have this law so perhaps I will be able to find work there. I don't know anyone in Florida so going down there and looking is out of the question for now.

I have to say - this time, I think the press spilled it, since they are the ones who started the panic that led to this mess.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Now BP Spilled It

After the many things that have happened to this planet, natural and unnatural, have we finally gone too far?

Let's start with the most basic questions. Who gave the oil companies permission to drill in the ocean in the first place? Why wasn't anyone watching them to see that they had safety measures in place in the event of an accident?

In this country we have three branches of government that are supposed to serve as checks and balances for each other, and yet, no one seems to be watching anything except the amount of their bank account increase.

What happens when the plankton dies? The planet will die.